Saturday, December 26, 2015


Tonight I'm grateful for Mercy. Google gives the following definition for mercy compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.   In my mind that is what love truly is! I've been at home with my family for the Holidays. At times they have granted me mercy and vice versa. I'm grateful that Jesus Christ makes mercy possible. It is truly beautiful when love wins and peace is granted. Really the greatest feelings I've felt in my whole life have come when mercy was extended to me. im grateful for people who extend mercy and who teach me how truly Great God is. God really does love us because He sent His son so that all that believe in Him can be saved! Sounds like a wonderful merciful plan that will continue to bring a fun feeling that I don't deserve but brings me relief and joy. "God be thanked for the matchless Gift of His Divine Son."

Monday, December 14, 2015


Im grateful for laughter. I've allowed my mind to get really weighed down lately, but realized this weekend how powerful laughter is. It really is so important to goof off now and again and to recognize the joy in the often overlooked moments.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Okay okay... I have more to say!

Also... I just must say THANK YOU. You have been so very patient with me during this whole process of not feeling good ect ect. You have been patient with me in general. What I am most thankful for is how you treat me. Even if I do try your patience at times, you never make me feel like a burden. Thank you for helping me feel valued and appreciated. Its not easy for me to feel that way and I feel like it must be work for you sometimes in order for me to feel that... and I do! THANK YOU for all you do to help me feel awesome, even when I may not deserve it!!!!


The Fall

Today I finished up an email to send to Nate Mitchell about when I fell off that silly mountain.
I just want you to know Aly that as I wrote this email I just kept thinking over and over again how grateful I was that YOU were there. I know you were in so much pain that week. It is one of those weeks that only we will ever understand. But I hold it close to my heart. And I hope you know I recognize atleast in part how much you gave that week when it was hard! I LOVE YOU SIS! THANK YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE! I am blessed to have you for my friend.
(I think this will post under your name because I am using your computer... hehe) OH DWELL...

