Monday, May 23, 2016

Sacred Ground

 ALY! Once again sis, I am humbled by your constant friendship and support. Im grateful you found these posts and hope they found you at a beneficial time. :) Thank you for your words and constant friendship. Today Im grateful for a lot of things. I hope you know im grateful you have been here for me rain or shine. Knowing you care is freeing to me. I sure hope I can be there for you rain or shine as well. I want to be. I appreciate you asking how I am doing and being so willing to share my wee load. Thanks for helping me even late at night. I am grateful for your relationship with Father in Heaven and for you being willing to share with me. IM GRATEFUL. Sure love ya RainingFirelightBlanket. I love these photos. Its such a blessing that we could find this place again. It is a special place and the memories there are sacred. Have a great day sis, and THANK YOU!

Friday, May 13, 2016

thank you!

A few months ago I looked on this blog and saw you had written several posts. And then I was going to post something but never did. It truly made my day reading all you posts and has also made my morning catching up on your more recent posts. Im grateful for you friend. I sure am going to miss you when we both go back home. You being here in mesa has been such a blessing just always having a friend around has blessed my life. Grateful for you being there for me in the good times and in my brokeness. I sure love ya! I really pray that your body may heal. This is my continual prayer and know that I am always here for you

Monday, May 2, 2016

3 years!!!

Hiya sis! I met you almost exactly three years ago! We just recently took a road trip to St.George. In fact, right now I am about to take a wee nap at the church building next to your home. It has been a FUN weekend. I'm grateful for how we met and the unique experiences that have made us best of buddies. I appreciate so many things about our friendship-

I'm grateful we can laugh through just about any situation... Wether it's funny or not, hard or easy, or just plum awkward.
I'm grateful we can talk about things that are important in our lives as well as talk about worries fears, and hopes!
I'm grateful I can trust you and that I feel trusted by you.
I'm grateful for the comfort I feel when you are around- never having to wonder if what we are doing is right or borderline.
I'm grateful you never put me down... I always feel a little bit higher quality of Kelli after spending time with you.

These are just a few reasons why I'm grateful. There are many more. Thanks for being you!
